How to create a sitemap (for any website) in 2024



Build and Submit a Sitemap | Google Search Central

Google supports several sitemap formats. Follow this guide to learn about formats, how to build a sitemap, and how to submit a sitemap to Google.

What Is a Sitemap | Google Search Central

A sitemap is a file where you provide information about the pages, videos, and other files on your site, and the relationships between them.

How to create a visual site map for your website

How to create a visual site map for your website · 1. Brainstorm your website categories · 2. Organize your categories · 3. Add structure & hierarchy · 4. Start ...

Sitemap Creator | Free Visual Sitemap Generator

Use Miro's free visual sitemap creator and easily plan your website architecture. Create great web experiences and quickly visualize your entire website.

How to Design the Structure of a Website with Sitemapping in 8 Steps

8 steps to plan & create a website structure with a site map · Prepare for the activity of sitemapping · Brainstorm types of content · Define primary navigation ...


而提交Sitemap的好處是透過「主動告知」,讓Google能更快更順利的爬到網站。 但不論主動或被動,Sitemap都與SEO排名無關,因為排名是在完成檢索及建立索引之後的事情了!


今天小編要來為大家介紹Sitemap,Sitemap的定義包含所有網站頁面(不包含功能點擊效果,如Popup),將其頁面組織規劃,架構成一個網站地圖,Sitemap的內容 ...

Free Visual Sitemap Generator and Examples Online

Generate visual sitemaps to reflect the structure and flow of your website. Then find ways to optimize user interaction and experience for each page.


Google 支援的Sitemap 格式有三種(三種都可以使用、沒有哪個比較好),依照網站狀況和需求使用適合的格式即可。 1.XML Sitemap. XML 全名是「Extensible ...


Googlesupportsseveralsitemapformats.Followthisguidetolearnaboutformats,howtobuildasitemap,andhowtosubmitasitemaptoGoogle.,Asitemapisafilewhereyouprovideinformationaboutthepages,videos,andotherfilesonyoursite,andtherelationshipsbetweenthem.,Howtocreateavisualsitemapforyourwebsite·1.Brainstormyourwebsitecategories·2.Organizeyourcategories·3.Addstructure&hierarchy·4.Start ...,UseMiro'sfreevis...